Activity Statement of ESOSH

Regulations on the activities of the public union “European Society of Occupational Safety and Health”

“Approved” by the Constituent Assembly of the founders of the public union “European Community for Occupational Safety and Health” Protocol No. 2 dated “15" of March 2019


The Regulations on the activities (hereinafter — the Regulations) of the public union “European Society of Occupational Safety and Health” (hereinafter — the Union, ESOSH), developed on the basis of the Charter of the Union and the Code of Conduct of the Members of the Union, regulate the procedure for entry, stay, exit or exclusion from the Union of its members. The provisions are the basis for the activities of the bodies of the Union to ensure the rights of its members and control the performance by the members of the Union of their duties.

Areas of activity


The Association carries out its activities in the field of occupational safety and industrial safety, and aims it to preserve the life and health of people in the workplace, to use the available opportunities in the dissemination of the best world experience in reducing occupational injuries.


The main activities of the Union are:

Development of professional competence of specialists in occupational safety and health.

Dissemination of knowledge of qualified, experienced and competent European specialists in the field of occupational health and safety.

Consultations and information and technical support of organizations of various forms of ownership in the field of labor protection and industrial safety.

Establishing relations with international and local organizations in order to increase the level of labor safety at enterprises of various forms of ownership.

Raising the level of occupational safety standards based on the legislation of the European Union and the conventions of the International Safety Organization in the field of labor protection.

Dissemination and application of a risk-oriented approach and best practices in the field of occupational health and safety.

Procedure for acquisition and termination of associate membership


Membership in the Association is voluntary and individual. Members of the Union may be citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons legally residing in Ukraine who have reached the age of 18, legal entities of various forms of ownership, who recognize the Charter of the Union and promote activities aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the Union.


The candidate must meet the following criteria for membership in the Union:

It shares the vision, mission and values of the Union.

Participates in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Union.

Commits to comply with the Code of Conduct of the members of the Union.

Confirms his professional experience and is ready to constantly improve.

He has an impeccable business reputation.


The decision on admission to associate members of the Union shall be made on the basis of compliance with the requirements set out on the official website of the ESOSH, namely:

Application for accession to the European Union.

Resume (for individuals) or company profile (for legal entities) in any form confirming professional activity (see clause 4.2 Regulation — Qualification Requirements of the ESOSH “Specialist”).

Successful completion of the EUCP Participant Code of Conduct test.

Consent to the processing of personal data.

Consent to comply with the Code of Conduct and this Regulation in activities related to the ECSC.


The decision on the admission of legal entities to associate members of the Union is made in addition to the requirements of paragraph 1. 2.3, based on the results of the audit for compliance with the criteria set out in para. 2.2. of this Regulation. The audit is carried out by the ESOSH or an organization authorized by the Union, has an established cyclical nature, and is aimed at maintaining an impeccable reputation in the field of safety and health at work of the legal entity — a member of the ESOSH.


The Association may require additional information (documents) from candidates to complete the admission procedure. Associate membership in the ESOSH shall be confirmed by a letter from the Executive Board of the ESOSH and an entry in the Register of Associate Members of the Union. The Board reserves the right to refuse the admission of a candidate to associate members of the Union without explaining the reasons.


Associate membership in the Association shall be terminated in the following cases:

Withdraw from the Union of my own accord.

Exclusion from the Union, by decision of the Board, in connection with violation of the requirements of this Statute, the Regulations on the activities of the Union and the Code of Conduct of the members of the Union.

If the activities of a member are contrary to the objectives and objectives of the Union.

If a member has lost contact with the union for no good reason.

Death of a member of the union.


Participation in the Association is free for its members.

Rights and obligations of union members and associated union members


Rights of an associate member of the union:

Participate in all events held by the union, except for cases determined by the general meeting of the members of the Union.

Participate in the work of permanent and temporary commissions, sections, branches, other non-management bodies established by the decision of the authorized bodies of the Union.

To provide the relevant bodies of the Union with proposals regarding the activities of the Union.

Commits to comply with the Code of Conduct of the members of the Union.

To apply to the bodies of the Union for assistance in the protection of their rights and legitimate interests directly related to the activities of the Union

Participate in mass events organized by the Union on special (preferential) conditions approved by the Board, if such conditions are established.

Benefit from discounts provided for associate members of the Association from the partners of the Association.

Participate in social and charitable activities carried out by the Association.

Use in your professional activities the information provided by the Association in open sources, information about your status of acquired membership in the Association.

On a voluntary basis, it is free to acquire and terminate associate membership in the Association.


Duties of an Associate Member of the Union:

In its activities, if it concerns the Union, be guided by the Charter of the Union and the Regulations and other internal documents of the Union.

To take an active part in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Union, to contribute in every possible way to the Union in its activities.

Refrain from actions and statements that are contrary to the policies, purposes and objectives of the Union's activities and may damage its business reputation.

Do not violate the rights of other members of the Union, including those associated in relations with the Union.

Maintain the authority and business reputation of the Union.

Inform your current contact details and data about their change in the Association.

To confirm the activity of its status as an associate member, in the manner and time limits provided for by the Union.

Qualification Levels of Associate Members of the Union


The Association provides an opportunity for its individual associate members to increase their competence within or outside the Union and to confirm their level of qualification on the basis of honesty, impartiality and objectivity. To this end, within the framework of the Union there are 4 (four) qualification levels for specialists in the field of occupational health and safety, which take into account professional practical experience and the level of professional knowledge:

Level 1: Specialist.

Level 2: Accredited Specialist.

Level 3: Certified Expert.

Level 4: Certified Expert.

The promotion of the qualification levels is carried out by the associate members at their own discretion, not compulsorily, and makes it possible to carry out continuous professional growth.


The requirements for the qualification levels of the associate members of the ESOSH are set out in para. 2.1 — 2.4. The qualification level is acquired by the candidate in accordance with all the requirements put forward for each level:


Level 1: Specialist (scor. S ESOSH (Eng. WITH ESOSH))

Condition 1.Practical experience in the positions of engineer, specialist, manager of labor protection, industrial safety at least 2 years in an enterprise with a staff of more than 20 people, or for graduates of higher educational institutions — specialized higher education in the specialty “Labor Protection” (not lower than a bachelor's degree).

Condition 2.100% passing the knowledge test of the Code of Conduct of the Members of the ECOP.


Level 2: Accredited Specialist (Skor. AS ESOSH (Eng. AS ESOSH)

Condition 1.Practical experience in the positions of engineer, specialist, manager of labor protection, industrial safety at least 2 years in an enterprise with a staff of more than 20 people, or for graduates of higher educational institutions — specialized higher education in the specialty “Labor Protection” (not lower than a bachelor's degree).

Condition 2.An ESOSH specialist with an ESOSH certificate of completion of a basic course in occupational safety and health management (21 training hours), or has completed a similar course under the program of internationally recognized centers of training in occupational safety and health (IOSH Managing Safely, NEBOSH Award or equivalent).


Level 3:Certified expert (scor. CE ESOP (Eng. WHAT ESOSH))

Condition 1.Practical experience in the positions of engineer, specialist, manager of labor protection, industrial safety at least 5 years in an enterprise with a staff of more than 50 people.

Condition 2.Member of the ESOSH Level 1 or 2 who has an ESOSH certificate of completion of the Advanced Occupational Safety and Health Management course (130 training hours), or has completed a similar course under the programme of globally recognised centres of training in occupational safety and health (NEBOSH IGC or equivalent).

Condition 3.Member of the ESOSH supporting the Continuous Professional Development Programme (SPD Programme), posted on the official website of the ESOSH, which provides information on the professional activities undertaken and their further planning.


Level 4: Certified expert (scor. ChE ESOSH (Eng. ChE ESOSH))

Condition 1.Practical experience in the positions of engineer, specialist, manager of labor protection, industrial safety at least 5 years in an enterprise with a staff of more than 50 people.

Condition 2.Member of the ESOP Level 1, 2, 3, who holds an ESOSH certificate of completion of the Occupational Safety and Health Management Diploma course (at least 1.5 years of study abroad), or has completed a similar course under the program of the world recognized centers of training in occupational safety and health, NEBOSH Diploma, NVQ5, or equivalent.

Condition 3.The Member of the European Union supports the Continuous Professional Development Programme. The profile page has a completed private section with an analysis of your own skills and a development action plan, which is regularly updated for at least 2 years.

Condition 4.The ESOSH Participant successfully interviewed other ESOSH Certified Experts in order to verify the level of knowledge and practical experience in solving problems using a risk-oriented approach.


Training programs, seminars and training courses of the ESOSH are conducted by the Union or its authorized organization on the basis of general market relations. The decision on the qualification level shall be taken by the ESOSH Board on the basis of the application of the Associate Member of the ESOSH, the results of the examination of the training knowledge and the certificates obtained.

Governing bodies of the union


The governing bodies of the Association are: General meetings of the members of the Union, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, the activities of which are regulated by the Charter of the Union.


General meeting of the members of the Unionis the highest body of the Union, which has the right to make decisions on any issues of its activities, including those that fall within the competence of the Board. Regular General Meetings are convened by the Board annually. Members of the Union may be elected by the Board of Directors from the associate members of the Union.


Board of Directors of the Unionis the governing body of the Union for the period between the General Meetings, is elected for a term of 5 years and performs functions for the management of its current, organizational activities. The Board consists of: Chairman of the Board, General Director, whose functional duties are enshrined in the Charter of the Union.


Supervisory Boardis the advisory and supervisory body of the Union. The members of the Supervisory Board have the right to participate in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Union with the right of an advisory vote.

Final positions

This Regulation shall enter into force from the date of its approval by the Board of Directors of the Union, shall be binding upon execution by the new members of the Union, and shall be effective until its repeal or the adoption of a new provision governing similar matters, in the manner established by the internal regulatory documents of the Union. Amendments and additions to this Regulation shall enter into force from the date of their approval by the Board of Directors of the Union.

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