The European Society of Occupational Safety and Health ESOSH shapes values, raises the level of knowledge, influences legislative changes, and maintains links with international leading organizations to make work in Ukraine safe. Participation is free, join and improve.
I'm InterestedRisk assessment, audits, project support, and specific safety programs.Our specialists are constantly improving their skills abroad, implementinginjury prevention practices in Ukraine, and can be useful in your business.
International safety courses for occupational health and safetyspecialists, engineers and technicians, senior and middle managers.
The European Society for Occupational Safety and Health (ESOSH) is aprofessional association of occupational safety specialists that promotes goodinternational practices and develops competencies in occupational safety andhealth.
The association's experts are professionals with practical experience ininternational companies and European qualifications.
Join us to develop together and implement good practices and promoteoccupational health and safety in Ukraine.
Join the ESOSH and get access to advanced knowledge and resources onoccupational safety and health.
Our Code of Conduct defines our core values and standards, which westrive to implement in our work and interactions.
Our Statement defines the key principles and norms that govern ouractivities and the functioning of our community.
We work together to create new standards and good practices forworkplace safety.
Someone else has already solved your occupational safety problems, findout about it from us.
Here you can find up-to-date information on how you can improve.
Access to the best trainers, the most renowned courses, and effectiveeducational programs on occupational safety.
We strive to make safety knowledge and experience as accessible aspossible.